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3D Mapping, Everything You Need to Know


As technology advances, it becomes more important than ever to adopt new, efficient tools for accomplishing our goals. Technological advancements, like 3D scanning, have been a handy tool for many industries. From architecture to medical science, 3D digital mapping has been used to study and dictate the shape and size of products and spaces. 3D mapping can create a 3D image of any room or object, no matter the size. This characteristic makes it incredibly useful for many different fields.

Because many of us are familiar with looking at 2D maps — such as city maps and floor plans — it can seem harder to picture a 3D map than the 2D maps that we are used to seeing. 3D maps are, however, less intimidating than we may think. These renderings are used in Google Maps and 3D home, apartment, or dorm tours that are often featured on realtor websites. But just how common is 3D mapping in today’s society?

Whether you’re just looking for a good understanding of what 3D mapping is or you’re thinking that 3D mapping could help you or your business to create a more accurately shaped or sized product, keep reading to find out more.

What Is 3D Mapping?

3D mapping has been a fantastic innovation in how we map objects in the real world. In short, 3D mapping is a technology that allows you to create a three-dimensional view (or multiple different views) of an object on a computer screen. Essentially, it allows you to see that object as a three-dimensional rendering, but on a two-dimensional computer screen.

This three-dimensional view allows you to see the object more accurately and efficiently understand complex ideas. For example, architects can use 3D mapping technology to help them create cities or buildings much quicker and more efficiently. Before 3D mapping technology was available to them, they would have to spend months planning and creating detailed and highly realistic drawings to build a single building.

How is a 3D Scan Made?

There are different ways to make a 3D scan of an object or space. The most common, however, requires the use of a laser scanner. Laser scanning is accomplished by the controlled deflection of visible or invisible laser beams. Think of this process as something similar to echolocation. For example, when a bat uses echolocation to “see” what is around them, they use the deflection of their sound waves to measure the space around them. A laser scanner does the same thing a bat does, but it uses lasers instead of using sound waves.

How can this laser scanning be helpful? For example, let’s say that you are looking to get a comprehensive image of the interior of a room so that you can decide where furniture and amenities need to be placed. A laser scanner can be used to create a full 360-degree scan of the interior of the room and convert that into a 3D model so that you can have an accurate and detailed view of where amenities can be placed. Of course, this laser mapping process can be used to create a 3D scan of an object.

What is 3D Mapping Good For?

So, how can 3D mapping utilized? Because 3D mapping can create such detailed and accurate models of three-dimensional spaces and objects on a two-dimensional screen, the technology is helpful for many different industries.

3D mapping technology is widely used in engineering, manufacturing, and industrial design fields due to its ability to quickly and accurately collect the data they need. Before 3D mapping, this data would have been collected manually, which is more costly, time-consuming, and more prone to errors.

However, 3D mapping has proven useful in many other fields as well. From bringing significant advancements to the healthcare industry to being an excellent tool for interior design, 3D mapping’s ability to display three-dimensional spaces or objects on a two-dimensional screen has dramatically improved how many industries approach research and solutions.

What Are the Benefits of 3D Mapping?

The ability to take such quick and accurate three-dimensional scans of any 3D object or space has made 3D mapping a handy tool, particularly in the fields of architecture, engineering, or construction. A quick and precise scan can ensure that your measurements are accurate, and this can help you avoid costly mistakes that will affect the product as a whole. 

Additionally, an interior scan can help any contractor or other designers visualize a space. Because we see the world around us in three dimensions, having a three-dimensional model to work off of makes it easier for our minds to work with.

Ready to Learn More About How 3D Mapping Can Help You?

As you can see about the points above, 3D mapping is an incredible tool that can help many different industries. So whether you are working in engineering, construction, interior design, or the health industry, if you are considering utilizing 3D mapping, we at AAA GROUP have 3D laser scanning and laser mapping options to meet your needs. Our specialists can scan any object or space, no matter the size, so that you can get going on what is important instead of spending your time manually measuring and trying to visualize the finished product in 2D.

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