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What’s the Average Land Surveying Cost (and Is It Worth It)?


There’s a reason why the surveying and mapping industry is worth an estimated $6 billion a year. These types of services are vital for establishing the appropriate boundaries on a piece of property. Whether you’re a homeowner building their first house, or a business owner expanding your empire, land surveys are often a necessary part of the construction process.

If it’s your first time hiring these types of professionals, then you’re probably wondering what the average land surveying cost is. The good news is that the service is quite affordable. In this article, we’ll break down how the cost is determined and why it’s important. Let’s get started!

What Is Land Surveying?

A land survey is a service that’s used to determine the legal boundaries of a property. Most of the time, mortgage lenders require a land survey from the borrower before they approve of the financing. Moreover, a land survey can help reveal potentially problematic property issues before they become serious.

For example, encroachment, like when a neighbor builds a fence on your property line, can create messy legal problems. Similarly, easements, or public paths running through the property, can also interrupt your building plans. Being able to identify these roadblocks, on other property boundary issues, is an important function of land surveys.

They allow you to decide whether or not the property is worth dealing with these potentially hidden problems. There are a variety of different types of land surveys that you can get for your property.

However, the most common and comprehensive type is laid out by the American Land Title Association/American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, or the ALTA/ACSM. If you want to learn more about what goes into the requirements that go into an official ALTA survey, then check out this guide here.

How Much Does the Average Land Surveying Cost?

The average land surveying job costs around $500. However, keep in mind that this price can increase or decrease by a few hundred dollars depending on a variety of factors.

As such, you should be cautious of companies that provide exact prices. In most cases, this will be too good to be true. Land surveys require an in-person visit before an exact estimate can be given. Because of this, you should look for a land surveying service that provides a free estimate. That way, you know they’re an honest company.

What Factors Influence This Price?

As we mentioned, the price of a survey job can vary greatly depending on certain factors. These factors typically make the job more difficult or longer for the surveyor. As such, if you have any of them, then you can expect a price increase from the $500 average.

The Terrain on the Property

Trees and steep hills or ditches make it harder for the land surveyor to do their job. As such, most companies will add on a premium for having to deal with these tough-to-access areas. So, if you have a property with a lot of forests or steep terrain, then you can expect a price increase

The Size of the Plot

More land means more time spent surveying. Typically, a land survey company will charge by the acre. As such, huge plots of land can quickly run up an expensive bill.


If you’re in a more remote location, far away from the survey company, then you can expect a higher price. This is to compensate the surveyor for their travel time. Ideally, the land surveyor will give you a heads up for any location-related fees before heading out to you.

Additional Research

Land surveyors aren’t simply measuring out the property lines on your land. They also must research public records to make sure there aren’t any historical boundaries, or city ordinances getting in the way. If your property is old and tied to American history in some way or another, then the company will need to do additional research. This can also run up your bill.

Type of Survey

If you’re just doing a basic boundary survey, then you’re bill likely won’t be too high. However, more detailed surveys typically cost a lot more. For example, a topographical or fence inspection can add to the final price.

Is Land Surveying Worth the Cost?

If you’re purchasing a vacant lot, then yes — land surveys are worth their price. As we mentioned before, these types of services are almost always required by mortgage lenders before providing financial backing. However, even if you aren’t going through a mortgage lender, you should still consider getting one.

A land survey spells out what parts of the property are yours. This is invaluable information if you ever plan on improving or expanding parts of your property in the future. They also help you make sure that any building project you plan on completing complies with local law or ordinances.

Finally, a land survey ensures that you avoid disputes with neighbors and property managers over issues like encroachment. So, considering the amount a land survey could save you in legal fees and stress, we believe it’s worth the price. If you aren’t convinced, then check out this article to learn more about why land surveys are important.

Need Land Surveying Services? Contact AAA Group R.E. Servicing Corp

We hope this article helped you find out the average land surveying cost. For some people, a land survey service might seem like just another expense required for building. However, it’s an important part of avoiding property legal issues and obtaining loans to finance your building. As such, it’s worth the cost as long as you find an honest surveying company.

But how do you find one? If you live in the New York area, then look no further than AAA Group R.E. Servicing Corp. We believe in providing our customers with accurate, precise surveys at a price they can afford. That’s why we offer free estimates before proceeding with the survey. If you’re ready to schedule your consultation, then make sure to get in touch with us today.

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